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Knit Don't Quit: Drop-in Knitting Time, 18+ YRS

Knit Don't Quit: Drop-in Knitting Time, 18+ YRS

Local knitter Beate Foit will be on hand to guide your projects during this drop-in knitting time.

Beate Foite is originall from Germany and moved to the Applegate 19 years ago. She loves knitting and has taught knitting and design in adult education classes and has given workshops for children in homeschool programs in Santa Cruz County.

She learned how to knit from her mother and continues to learn through trials and tribulations and many finished (and unfinished) projects. Knitting to her is a form of meditation and relaxation. Most of all, she loves sharing what she knows and loves to help others finish their projects — as long as it is fun for everyone.

06/08/2023 Show more dates
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Meeting Room
Applegate Library
  Arts & Crafts