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A Practical Guide to Shakespeare: The OSF Series: Julius Caesar, 18+ YRS

A Practical Guide to Shakespeare: The OSF Series: Julius Caesar, 18+ YRS

Join Dr. Lue Douthit, Director of Research & Practice at Play On Shakespeare, for an engaging series of three lectures on the Shakespeare plays being produced by The Oregon Shakespeare Festival in 2025. Designed as a prep before seeing the production, she will talk through some of the choices made by the production teams, which include a discussion about the script, theatre space, time period, and other theatrical components.  

In this lecture, focusing on the 2025 OSF production of Julius Ceasar, Dr. Douthit will provide insight into the production team’s choices and what makes this version unique, including a discussion about the doubling and script choices. She will provide a general outline of the play to show how it works and give tips on what to look and listen for when seeing the production. 

Mark your calendars for each lecture in this series: 

  • March 10th at 1pm for a discussion of Julius Caesar
  • April 14th at 1pm for a discussion of As You Like It 
  • May 12th at 1pm for a discussion of The Merry Wives of Windsor 

Lue Morgan Douthit is the Director of Research and Practice and Co-Founder of Play on Shakespeare, where she oversaw the commission, development, and production of 39 Shakespeare plays in translation. Prior to that, she spent 25 seasons at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival where she was director of new play development and dramaturgy. She also was the production dramaturg for more than 50 productions, including 15 world premieres and more than a dozen Shakespeare plays. She was the co-producer and co-founder of the Black Swan Lab (2009) at OSF and subsequently produced the Lab until 2016. Lue is the recipient of the 1999 Literary Manager & Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) Prize in Dramaturgy and The Elliott Hayes Award for her work on Lorraine Hansberry’s play Les Blancs. She received her PhD from the University of Washington, her MFA from Trinity University, and her MA from the University of Arizona. 


1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Gresham Room
Ashland Library